"We have had as much fruit as any one around here has had but that is not saying very much."



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"Will was married Tuesday and Everett had to stand up with them and he did not like it at all for you know Mamie's Church is very much opposed to the Masons. Everett said he would never do it again. Your Auntie had invited Cora and Ed to meet Will and Mamie for supper at their house but Will and Mamie did not get there until nine a clock. They are staying in Wills room untill they find a flat they are all well in Chicago. We have nothing to give Will because it is a poor season. I am so sorry about it for Cora got eighty Dollars from her Father when she was married, that will be a year tomorrow. Everett gave them a twenty Dollar but nothing to Will. He is treated as if he did not belong to the family at all."


2 sheets 7 x 11 inch. Handwritten.


Schreiber, Robert
