Various2019-05-232019-05-231926-12-05EPM-087-05-001 sizes.Clippings range from December 5, 1926 through January 17, 1965, with seven undated clippings also included. Some headlines include: "The tale of an Indian Noah: arctic flood lore parallels Bible (an otter instead of a dove)," and "Mrs. Hoptowit tells legends to Donald district women." Though not digitized, these clippings are available to view in person, or an image can be e-mailed by request. Please contact for further information.ClippingsIndians of North America;Indians of North America; Rites & ceremonies;Indians of North America; Cultural relations;Native Americans--Pacific Northwest Tribes--Yakamas--Ceremonies;Native Americans--Ceremonies;Indians of North America - legends clippings folder.