The Yakima Democrat -- VOL. 9 -- No. 11 -- November 30, 1901.
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Medill, John David
"The territories of Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona will knock at the door of congress at the coming session for admission into the sisterhood of states. It would seem as though these territories are entitled to admission. Oklahoma the most populous of the three contained a population in 1900 of over 350,000, greater than that of the state of Oregon. Both New Mexico and Arizona have a population much in excess of what most of the states had that were admitted during the past thirty years. From present appearances there is but little doubt about Oklahoma and probably Arizona also, securing statehood from the new congress, but there is less possibility of success in the case of New Mexico."
3 sheets 22 x 16 inch. Printed. Chipped edges do not obscure context.