The Yakima Democrat -- VOL. 9 -- No. 20 -- February 1, 1902.



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Medill, John David


"Free Mail Delivery. Beginning today February 1st the free mail delivery system will be put in operation in this city. Carrier McWain will have as his territory all that portion of the city north of Yakima avenue while Carrier Letterman will distribute mail in that section lying south of the avenue. It will doubtless take some little time before the system gets to working smoothly, as the carriers must first familiarize themselves with the streets and numbers as well as the people living along these routes."

"Notice. Those who have not already received their house numbers should bring the number of their lot and block to Merwin & Hazel's shop and they will receive their number free of charge."


2 sheets 15 x 22 inch. Printed. Marginal voids obscure context throughout. Images stitched to preserve content.

