Typescript of The Yakimas, 1855-1955 (index: part 3).


"One hundred years after the treaty makers assembled in a cottonwood grove on the present site of Walla Walla, the Yakima retain a heritage. This, even in the treaty days, was so old that no one knew just when it was born. It was a heritage of the race, and included deep-rooted religion that recognized the existence of a Creator. It also consisted of a civilization and of a noble culture. The Yakimas want their children to remember them all and they bequeath them to those yet unborn. For truly the Treaty of 1855 became a heritage the day it was negotiated. And now, so long after, there is no doubt but the wise old chiefs with a power born only to gifted leaders, knew that the future life must change for those who were to follow. So they say that the heritage was born at the Council of Walla Walla."


233 sheets, 8.5 x 11 inch. Typed on front side. Edited and annotation marks throughout by Relander. Date est.

