The Yakima Herald -- VOL. 5 -- No. 51 -- January 11, 1894.



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"More Sugar-Beet Data. Valuable Information for the Farmers of Yakima County. A New and Profitable Industry. The Owner of the Chino Ranch in California, the Largest Raiser of the Sugar-Beet, Gives the Result of His Extensive Experience. As the raising of sugar-beets is attracting the attention of the farmers of the northwest, the following paper from Richard Gird, in the report of California's experiment stations, giving the results of his experience on Chino ranch will prove interesting: Friable soils that will raise other good crops, such as corn, alfalfa and even grain, will, with an amount of moisture equal to a rainfall of from 10 to 11 inches each year, and with proper cultivation, raise good sugar-beets."


2 sheets 40 x 26 inch, 1 sheet 20 x 26 inch. Printed recto and verso. Severely chipped edges obscure content. Tape obscures content. Voids obscure content. Images stitched to preserve content.

